Animal Skull Hydro Dipping Service


Looking to get a Trophy Skull Hydro Dipped? You are in the right place! Enjoy the best finishes applied directly to your own animal skull.


Please indicate what pattern you would like the item(s) dipped in.> View Patterns Here <

SKU: DippedSkull Category: Tag:


No one needs a reason to get their skulls Hydro Dipped. With the ability to reach all the nooks and crannys of the skull, Hydro Dipping is the best choice for decorating these calcium structures. The skull you provide needs to be professionally cleaned and ready to be primed and painted.

Skull Dipping includes the jaw.

Check out our Pattern Gallery for a complete list of patterns to choice from.

Additional information

Skull Size

Small (1"~11" Long), Medium (12"~23" Long), Large (24"+ Long)

Shipping Options

I will be it in shipping myself, I will be dropping it off, Please Email a Shipping Label, Please Send Physical Return Package